Investment practices in institutional asset management have been profoundly impacted by the rise of two new paradigms: factor investing and liability-driven investing. Interestingly, both of these principles have conceptual justifications in financial theory, which can be regarded as an encouraging sign that the famous "gap between theory and practice" is not as wide as it appeared to be. The recent study published by EDHEC-Risk Institute with the support of Amundi in the context of the research chair entitled "ETF, Indexing and Smart Beta Investment Strategies" aims to establish another series of connections between factor investing and liability-driven investing.
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We introduce a method to create two interpretable liquidity measures, which we associate with market and funding liquidity. The construction is based on creating two parsimonious linear combinations of the many liquidity proxies often used in the liquidity literature, both displaying mean-reverting behaviour, but characterised by very different reversion speeds. Our construction does not require transaction-level data (such as volume or bid-offer spreads), but correlates well both with other measures that do, and with other liquidity proxies (liquidity as 'noise', liquidity as broker-dealer leverage) recently introduced in the literature.
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Interview |
In this month's interview, we speak to Albert de Wet from FirstRand Group Treasury about the creation by FirstRand and EDHEC-Risk of a research chair on the design and implementation of welfare-improving investment solutions for institutions and individuals. He also discusses the role of research in FirstRand's overall business strategy, the changes and challenges in the domain of investment management and the position of FirstRand in the current environment. He finally explains why they have decided to partner with EDHEC-Risk on this research chair. |
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Industry Analysis |
In the EDHEC-Risk Institute special issue of the EDHEC Research Insights supplement to Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE), we aim as ever to provide European institutional investors with an academic research perspective on the most relevant issues in the industry today. We first present the results of our latest EDHEC European ETF, Smart Beta and Factor Investing Survey. We look at the use of financial engineering to manage climate risks. The role of financial markets and financial innovation as a mechanism to enforce climate policy and to accelerate the transition toward a low-carbon economy is still overlooked. We provide a definition of value in Treasury bonds that allows for statistically significant and economically relevant predictions of cross-sectional excess returns. We introduce a comprehensive investment framework blending liability-driven investing and factor investing. We create two interpretable liquidity measures that we associate with market and funding liquidity. Finally, we examine the question of cross-sectional momentum in the U.S. sovereign bond market. |
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It has been argued that portfolio rebalancing, defined as the simple act of resetting portfolio weights back to the original weights, can be a source of additional performance. This additional performance is known as the rebalancing premium, also sometimes referred to as the volatility pumping effect or diversification bonus since volatility and diversification turn out to be key components of the rebalancing premium. The rebalancing premium, intrinsically linked to long-term investing, is typically defined as the difference between the expected growth rate of a rebalancing strategy and the expected growth rate of the corresponding buy-and-hold strategy, where the portfolio growth rate is the compounded geometric mean return of the portfolio, a meaningful measure of performance in a multi-period setting.
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Coronavirus is making a (further) evident argument in favour of corporate sustainability. The "S" of ESG includes employees' health and safety, and the companies around the world most responsive in protecting their workers in a pandemic outbreak are likely to experience fewer disruptions and recover the quickest. Business executives genuinely committed to making their operations sustainable while strengthening their competitive advantage, can get 8 takeaways from the current outbreak and the leadership - or lack thereof - shown by political leaders throughout the world. |
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To understand sustainable investing better, The Glocal Hong Kong has interviewed researchers from EDHEC-Risk Institute, a leading academic think-tank in investment solutions for asset owners and asset managers. EDHEC-Risk Institute held its first annual Climate Finance Conference in Paris in December 2019. The conference participants included over 50 academic scholars and 140 professionals from the wealth management sector, banks, institutional investors and others. Following the conference, Professors Riccardo Rebonato, Gianfranco Gianfrate and Lionel Martellini PhD share their insights on sustainable investing and climate finance.
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The authors investigate the relationship between exposure to climate change and firm credit risk. They show that the distance-to-default, a widely used market-based measure of corporate default risk, is negatively associated with the amount of a firm's carbon emissions and carbon intensity. Therefore, companies with a high carbon footprint are perceived by the market as more likely to default, ceteris paribus. The carbon footprint decreases the distance-to-default following shocks - such as the Paris Agreement - that reveal policymakers' intention to implement stricter climate policies. |
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This article provides a detailed analysis of the theoretical, statistical, and implementation challenges related to factor investing in the US sovereign bond markets, with a focus on the level factor which explains, for any maturity, the largest fraction of differences in bond returns over time. Using a comprehensive database of individual bond returns in the US covering the 1975-2018 sample period, the authors find that a conditional version of a carry strategy based on a time-varying exposure to the level factor can generate up to 210 bps of excess performance (gross of transaction costs) over the benchmark and a significantly higher Sharpe ratio. |
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Sophisticated algorithmic techniques are complementing human judgement across the fund industry. Whatever the type of rebalancing that occurs in the course of a longer horizon, it probably violates the buy-and-hold assumption. In this article, the authors develop the methodology to predict, dissect and interpret the h-day financial risk in data-driven portfolios. Their risk budgeting approach is based on a flexible risk factor model that accommodates the dynamics in portfolio composition directly within the risk factors.
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The article shows the unexpected constraints that have to be satisfied by the Q-measure evolution of the yield curve if the portfolio of yields has to be interpreted as their principal components. This choice of state variables is common in the recent literature and so our findings are intrinsically interesting. However, the authors show that their results also extend to a wide class of choices for state variables, when these are chosen as linear combinations of yields. They show that these constraints have important financial consequences, which, to their knowledge, have not been appreciated. |
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An exclusive interview by Amundi with Professor Lionel Martellini. He examines the main findings of this 12th survey and the trends that can be identified over the long term in the European ETF market. In a second part, he discusses the main drivers of investors' use and adoption of Smart Beta and Factor Investing Strategies. Finally, looking at future developments, he describes the needs expressed by investors.
The Investment Solutions course is an introduction to the conceptual, technical and implementation challenges involved in the design of innovative forms of welfare-improving investment solutions, building upon the expertise developed within EDHEC-Risk over the last 15 years. Participants will learn how to improve their investment process through relevant academic insights in the areas of Diversification, Hedging and Insurance. |
For the last 15 years, EDHEC has pursued an ambitious strategy geared to producing research with a high-impact on academic and professional circles, and which also generates a virtuous business model for the School. EDHEC wants to use its academic excellence to serve major causes affecting society, particularly the climate emergency. |
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We are honoured to announce that Lionel Martellini, Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School, has been invited to join Carbon4 Finance's Scientific Committee, alongside 7 other prominent members, to provide insight and perspective on Carbon4 Finance's methodologies for assessing the climate change risks associated with investment portfolios and loan books and to reinforce the group's distinction for developing innovative and technically robust carbon assessment methods. |
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We are pleased to announce that Professor Gianfranco Gianfrate, Sustainable Finance Lead Expert at EDHEC-Risk Institute has been invited to become a jury member of the Sustainable and ESG Investment Awards. The purpose of these awards is to honour best-in-class fund providers, research and ratings teams and services providers who now have a key part to play as sustainable and ESG investing moves firmly into the mainstream. |
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Founded in 2012, Scientific Beta has leveraged EDHEC-Risk Institute's expertise in quantitative equity management strategies (smart beta) and developed its activities within the framework of EDHEC-Risk Institute Asia with the support of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Scientific Beta has helped affirm EDHEC's reputation in the fields of market finance and useful finance, and maintained an exceptional annual growth rate in excess of 80%. |
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A Journal of Portfolio Management article entitled "Value by Design?" by Bernd Scherer, Stephan Kessler, and Jan Philipp Harries, has been named the winner of the 'Systematic Investing Research Paper of The Year' in the EQDerivatives 2020 Awards, recognising hedge funds and institutional investors who are active in volatility, multi-asset and systematic investing.
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EDHEC-Risk is pleased to announce the launch of the Advances in Asset Allocation Online Course: From Investors' Problems to Investment Solutions. This is an introduction to the conceptual, technical and implementation challenges involved in the design of innovative forms of welfare-improving investment solutions, building upon the expertise developed within EDHEC-Risk over the last 15 years. Participants in this seminar series will be able to acquire the EDHEC-Risk Institute Certificate in Advances in Asset Allocation. |
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The Innovations in Investment Management elective is a great academic experience. I can even say that it is my favourite elective! It is a lot of work, but we learn a lot.This whole process is challenging, but also exciting as you often get unexpected results or have data problems and need to find a creative solution. In such situations, it is great to have a good team and professor Martellini, who knows which methods to apply and how to best proceed. |
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Press Review |
EDHEC-Risk Institute has been cited widely in the business and industry press. A selection of articles may be found below.
- "Opinion | Finance durable : les leçons que nous (ne) tirerons (pas)", Les Echos (23/04/2020)
- "Interview with scholars of EDHEC-Risk Institute: The Future of Sustainable Investing", The Glocal Hong Kong (08/04/2020)
- "27 Resources to Learn ML", Medium (23/04/2020)
- "Short-selling outperformed other hedge strategies", Expert Investor Europe (09/04/2020)
- "Quatre formations en ligne pour monter en compétences durant votre confinement", Les Echos (30/03/2020)
- "Should the smart money be on smart beta?", Financial Times (30/03/2020)
- "Factor investing's relevance to institutional investing under the spotlight", ETF Stream (12/03/2020)
- "Jobs bonanza in stewardship and sustainable investing teams", Financial Time (08/03/2020)
- "EDHEC-Risk Introduces A Comprehensive Investment Framework Blending Liability-Driven Investing and Factor Investing", MondoVisione (05/03/2020)
- "Hedge funds : les gagnants et perdants de la crise du coronavirus", Les Echos (03/03/2020)
- "How machine learning will reshape the future of investment management", Forbes India (11/02/2020)
- "EDHEC-RISK COLLABORATES ON RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS", Benefits and Pensions Monitor (07/02/2020)
- "L'Edhec cède une start-up à la Bourse de Singapour pour 186M€", Les Echos (03/02/2020)
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