October, 2018
Insights from the 11th EDHEC European ETF and Smart Beta and Factor Investing Survey EDHEC-Risk Institute conducted its 11th survey of European investment professionals about the usage and perceptions of ETFs and smart beta and factor investing, as part of the Amundi research chair at EDHEC-Risk Institute on ETF, Indexing and Smart Beta Investment Strategies. The aim of this study is to analyse current European investor practices and perceptions on ETF and smart beta and factor investing strategies, as well as future plans in these domains. By comparing our results to those of our previous surveys, conducted for over a decade, we aim to shed some light on trends within the ETF market and within the smart beta and factor investing strategy offer. More...
Table of Contents
Introducing "Flexicure" Goal-Based Investing Retirement Solutions Individuals need "flexicurity" in retirement solutions, and should not have to choose between security and flexibility. In this context, we propose to apply the principles of goal-based investing to the design of a new generation of retirement goal-based investing strategies, which can be regarded as risk-controlled target date funds that strike a balance between security and performance with respect to the objective of generating replacement income. These simple retirement goal-based investing strategies can be used to help individuals and households secure minimum levels of replacement income while generating upside exposure in the context of liquid and reversible investment products. Recent advances in financial engineering and digital technologies make it possible to apply goal-based investing principles to a much broader population of investors than the few traditional clients who can afford customised mandates or a private banking service. More...
"EDHEC-Risk Institute Partners with Coursera to Offer a Specialisation on Data Science for Investment Management" - an interview with Lionel Martellini, John Mulvey, Gideon Ozik and Vijay Vaidyanathan EDHEC-Risk Institute has teamed up with the world's biggest online course provider, Coursera, to offer a specialisation in Data Science for Investment Management. In this month's interview, Lionel Martellini Director of EDHEC-Risk, John Mulvey Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, ORFE Department, Princeton University, and EDHEC-Risk research associates Gideon Ozik Founder, Managing Partner of MKT MediaStats and Vijay Vaidyanathan CEO of Optimal Asset Management, discuss the new partnership with Coursera, unveil the list of massive open online courses (MOOCs) that will be covered and provide further details on the training process. They also reflect on the reasons behind their decision to join the e-learning adventure and share their objectives and initiatives for the future. More...

Maximising the Volatility Return: A Risk-Based Strategy for Homogeneous Groups of Assets, with Daniel Mantilla The long-term performance of any portfolio can be decomposed as the sum of the weighted average long-term return of its assets plus the volatility return of the portfolio. Hence, maximising the volatility return of portfolios of assets with similar characteristics, such as factor portfolios, yields an important increase in performance and risk-adjusted return relative to market-cap weighted factor portfolios. We derive the closed-form solution of the strategy as well as properties that relate it to other risk-based weighting rules, such as minimum variance and risk parity. More...
Are You Rich Enough for A (Single) Family Office, with Bernd Scherer Are you rich enough for a family office? Focusing purely on the financial economics of a family office, we derive the minimum assets under management compatible with the family offices investment management skills and costs versus the family benchmark alternative as well as its risk aversion. We find that rules of thumb like "the minimum size for a family office is 100 million" can be grossly misleading. Our analysis is equally applicable to deciding on the threshold size for in-house asset management. More...
Bond Portfolio Optimization in the Presence of Duration Constraints, with Frank Fabozzi, Lionel Martellini and Vincent Milhau In this article, the authors address two key challenges that are specific to bond portfolio optimization, namely, the presence of duration constraints and the presence of no-arbitrage restrictions on risk parameter estimates, for which no equivalent exists in the equity universe. In an application to sovereign bonds in the eurozone, they find that the use of portfolio optimization techniques based on robust estimators for risk parameters generates an improvement in investor welfare compared with the use of ad hoc bond benchmarks such as equally weighted or cap-weighted portfolios. More...
Recent Advancements in Robust Optimization for Investment Management, with Frank Fabozzi Robust optimization has become a widely implemented approach in investment management for incorporating uncertainty into financial models. The focus in this paper is on recent advancements to categorize robust optimization models into asset allocation at the asset class level and portfolio selection at the individual asset level, and it further separates robust portfolio selection approaches specific to each asset class. This organization provides a clear overview on how robust optimization is extensively implemented in investment management. More...
Another Look at the HoLee Bond Option Pricing Model, with Frank Fabozzi The HoLee model, the first arbitrage-free model, starts with the observed term structure and sets up a binomial structure that determines how it can evolve over time so that there are no riskless arbitrage profit opportunities embedded in the current or any possible future yield curves. But the original formulation of the HoLee model has the unfortunate property that it is possible for interest rates to go negative or to grow without bound over time, neither of which is acceptable. In this article, the authors present a modified HoLee specification that eliminates the problem by allowing the binomial probabilities to change over time while still maintaining the no-arbitrage restriction. More...
Bond Pricing and Yield Curve Modeling: A Structural Approach, with Riccardo Rebonato In this book, the author provides the theoretical foundations (no-arbitrage, convexity, expectations, risk premia) needed for the affine modeling of the government bond markets. He presents and critically discusses the wealth of empirical findings that have appeared in the literature of the last decade, and introduces the 'structural' models that are used by central banks, institutional investors, sovereign wealth funds, academics, and advanced practitioners to model the yield curve, to answer policy questions, to estimate the magnitude of the risk premium, to gauge market expectations, and to assess investment opportunities. Rebonato weaves precise theory with up-to-date empirical evidence to build, with the minimum mathematical sophistication required for the task, a critical understanding of what drives the government bond market. More...
Riccardo Rebonato presented his latest research on fixed-income smart beta at the 14th Quantitative Finance Conference last week Riccardo Rebonato, Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School and Member, EDHEC-Risk Institute, was invited to conduct a session on the theme "Value and Other Rewarded Factors for Smart Beta in Fixed-Income" in Nice, on 27 September, 2018. More...
New session announced for the seminar on Harvesting Risk Premia in Equity and Bond Markets on 12-14 November, 2018 on Yale campus Participants will learn how to use current models and empirical evidence about global capital markets to construct asset portfolios based on the principles of factor investing, with a particular focus on equity and bond markets. More...
Raman Uppal appointed as new chairman of the Society for Financial Studies (SFS) Council Raman Uppal, Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School and Member of EDHEC-Risk Institute, has been appointed as new chairman of the Society for Financial Studies (SFS) Council, succeeding Adlai Fisher, Professor of Finance, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia. More...

EDHEC-Risk Institute has been cited widely in the business and industry press. A selection of articles may be found below.
"Target date funds risk missing the mark for retirees", Financial Times (27/09/2018)
"Traditional Assets in ETFs Rise", Benefits and Pensions Monitor (25/09/2018)
"Tekort aan vastrentende smart-beta ETFs", IEX Profs (24/09/2018)
"EDHEC-Risk's annual European ETF and Smart Beta Survey results show growing demand for new developments in existing Smart Beta offerings", exchangetradedfunds.com (20/09/2018)
"EDHEC-Risks European ETF survey reveals growing demand for smart beta", etfexpress (20/09/2018)
"A New Retirement Bond", Financial Advisor Magazine (04/09/2018)
"Portfolio construction and ETFs", FT Adviser (15/08/2018)
"Das war das Amundi Forum 2018", Fonds Professionell (02/07/2018)
"EDHEC-Risk Institute : No Respite for Fixed-Income Investors", Finanzen.ch (28/06/2018)
"EDHEC ranked in the worlds top 3 business schools for Finance by the Financial Times", Fenews.co.uk (27/06/2018)
About EDHEC-Risk Institute:
Part of EDHEC Business School and established in 2001, EDHEC-Risk Institute has become the premier academic centre for industry-relevant financial research. In partnership with large financial institutions, its team of permanent professors, engineers, and support staff, and research associates and affiliate professors, implements seven research programmes and six research, industrial partnerships and private research projects focusing on asset allocation and risk management. Additionally, it has developed an ambitious portfolio of research and educational initiatives in the domain of investment solutions for institutional and individual investors. As part of its "Make an Impact" signature, EDHEC-Risk plays a noted role in furthering applied financial research and systematically highlighting its practical uses.
EDHEC-Risk Institute
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Web: https://risk.edhec.edu
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