Online debate: Green(ish) Bonds?

The online debate is co-organized by the European University Institute (EUI) and the Florence School of Banking & Finance.
Institutional investors are increasingly attracted by a host of new financial instruments such as green bonds, social bonds, sustainability bonds or indeed sustainability-linked bonds. This forms part of a broader endeavour to rely on private sources to fund sustainable investments. Among these instruments, green bonds – the “stars of climate finance” according to The Economist – have shown high market uptake. Green bond issuances are regularly, if not systematically these days, oversubscribed. Set against the background of an ongoing policy and academic discussion on the need for more transparent green bond markets, this online debate will discuss the merits and limits of green bond financing.
On Feburary 25, at 1:00pm, Gianfranco Gianfrate, Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School, Climate Change & Sustainable Finance Lead Expert, EDHEC-Risk Institute, will participate in an online debate together with:
- Thorsten Beck (Cass Business School and Florence School of Banking and Finance, European University Institute)
- Justine Leigh-Bell (Climate Bonds Initiative) Julian Kölbel (University of Zurich)
The session entitled: "Green(ish) Bonds?" will explore the following questions:
> How green are green bonds really?
> How could trust in the green bond market place be increased and sustained?
> Are non-binding green bond standards showing their limits?
> Is a new and binding green bond standard needed to eliminate any risk of green-washing?
> Are green bonds fairly valued by market players or is there a green bubble at play?
Further information on the conference can be found on the Florence School of Banking and Finance website.
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Thursday 25/02/2021 - Thursday 25/02/2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm CET French Time