Research and publications

The Benefits of Bond ETFs for Institutional Investors - The Natural Vehicle for a Core-Satellite Approach

Recent market difficulties have drawn attention to the risk management practices of institutional investors. Particularly significant was the fact that negative equity market returns were eroding plan assets at the same time as declining interest rates were increasing benefit obligations. These events have spotlighted the weakness of current funding standards for corporate defined benefit pension plans. They have also emphasized the weakness of investment practices.


Noël Amenc, Philippe Malaise, Lionel Martellini, Jean-René Giraud


Recent market difficulties have drawn attention to the risk management practices of institutional investors. Particularly significant was the fact that negative equity market returns were eroding plan assets at the same time as declining interest rates were increasing benefit obligations. These events have spotlighted the weakness of current funding standards for corporate defined benefit pension plans. They have also emphasized the weakness of investment practices.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 09/03/2004
Keywords :

Asset Allocation