Best Sustainable Finance/ ESG Courses & Certifications (2024)

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Bankers By Day 15/03/2024

Environmental Finance

"As per a recent HSBC survey, 89% of institutional investors believe that social and environmental issues are important to them. Its apparent that ESG is increasingly becoming a core part of investment policy and philosophy with firms scrambling to find experts with the skills and knowledge to help formulate and implement their ESG policies. This trend will continue for the coming decades and anyone not onboard is likely to be left behind.

This shift in priorities is mostly led by a generation of highly educated and environmentally conscious professionals and it’s a cause that I personally champion as well. The financial services industry has to transition with the times, and it is up to us to lead that change. These courses and certifications have been designed to teach the principles and concepts of sustainable finance and ESG Investing and help you become a leader in the field.

1. Sustainable Finance from University of Cambridge

2. ESG Investing from Columbia Business School

3. Sustainable Finance and Investment from Yale School of Management

4. Oxford Leading Sustainable Corporations Programme

5. Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) Specialization from CFI

6. Climate Change and Sustainable Investing Specialization from EDHEC

Course Review

EDHEC is a premier European business school offering industry leading programs and courses. They have several online course offerings that we have reviewed on BankersByDay and this one on sustainable investment is equally impressive and worth adding to your CV.

The core aim of this course is to demystify the relationship between climate change and economy/ Finance. The financial world has a key role to play in solving this crisis, along with scientific, engineering and economic efforts. The courses in module each focus on one of these areas and cover them all one-by-one.

First up is the science and engineering of climate change so lay the groundwork of the problem. Economics and policies are up next with a deep dive into the main approaches used by economists and governments to help reduce emissions. The best solutions are ones that are self-perpetuating and that is what economists hope to create. And you will learn about the all the key ideas in this sphere.

Financing and investing constitute the latter half of this specialisation with dozens of hours spent on various topics. This includes household, government and corporate investment, investor-led decarbonization of business processes, issuance of green securities, central bank efforts and other such tools. You will also learn about the methods used to identify, measure and reward financial investments that help tackle climate change."


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Best Sustainable Finance/ ESG Courses & Certifications (2024)