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Equities are a major asset class for institutional and individual investors, who use them in the hope of achieving high returns in the long run, possibly at the cost of substantial downside risk in the short run. Traditionally, equity portfolios have been benchmarked against cap-weighted indices, and active funds have attempted to outperform the market. This landscape has profoundly evolved since the early 2000s with the recognition that cap-weighted indices fail to efficiently capture risk premia available in equities, and with a growing demand for transparent and low-fee investment products. These concerns have favoured the emergence of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and the development of many alternative equity indices, notably including factor indices and smart beta products. After the rise in passive investing and factor investing, the new frontier in equity investing will be the inclusion of ESG criteria, to meet the demand for products that satisfy social responsibility criteria and/or low-carbon footprint conditions.

EDHEC-Risk Institute has been conducting research in equity investing since 2006, with an annual survey on the practices of European ETF investors and a number of research articles on equity factors and efficient diversification of equity portfolios.

As part of its policy of transferring knowledge to the industry, it set up Scientific Beta in 2012 to favour the adoption of the latest advances in smart beta design and implementation by the whole investment industry. In January 2020, Scientific Beta was acquired by Singapore Exchange (SGX) for EUR186 million.

Can the portfolio excess growth rate explain the predictive power of idiosyncratic volatility?


Daniel Mantilla-Garcia, Juliana Malagon, Julian R.Aldana-Galindo

The EDHEC European ETF, Smart Beta and Factor Investing Survey 2021


Veronique Le Sourd, Lionel Martellini

What Drives Robo-Advice?


Bernd Scherer, Sebastian Lehner

Covid-19 and Smart-Beta


Milot Hasaj, Bernd Scherer

The EDHEC European ETF, Smart Beta and Factor Investing Survey 2020


Veronique Le Sourd, Lionel Martellini

Calibrating the Italian Smile with Time-Varying Volatility and Heavy-Tailed Models


Michele Leonardo Bianchi, Frank J. Fabozzi, Svetlozar T. Rachev

Sin Stocks Revisited: Resolving the Sin Stock Anomaly


David Blitz, Frank J. Fabozzi

EDHEC Survey On Equity Factor Investing


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd

A flexible approach to estimate the equity premium


Yosef Bonaparte, Frank J. Fabozzi

How fat are the tails of equity market indices?


Stoyan Stoyanov, Lixia Loh, Frank J. Fabozzi

The EDHEC European ETF And Smart Beta Survey 2016


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd

A Note on the Valuation of Asset Management Firms


Juha Joenväärä, Bernd Scherer

Who Are the Value and Growth Investors?


Sebastien Betermier, Laurent E. Calvet, Paolo Sodini

Robust Factor-Based Investing


Jang HoKim, Woo Chang Kim, Frank J. Fabozzi

Smart Beta Replication Costs


Mikheil Esakia, Felix Goltz, Sivagaminathan Sivasubramanian, Jakub Ulahel

Penalizing variances for higher dependency on factors


Jang Ho Kim, Woo Chang Kim, Frank J. Fabozzi, PhD

Measuring Volatility Pumping Benefits in Equity Markets


Jean-Michel Maeso, Lionel Martellini

Multi-Dimensional Risk And Performance Analysis For Equity Portfolios


Kevin Giron, Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau

Investor Perceptions About Smart Beta ETFs


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd

Best Practices in Research for Quantitative Equity Strategies


Joseph A. Cerniglia, Frank J. Fabozzi, Petter N. Kolm

The EDHEC European ETF Survey 2015


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd, Ashish Lodh, Sivagaminathan Sivasubramanian

Portfolio selection with conservative short-selling


Jang HoKim, Woo ChangKim, Frank J.Fabozzi

Riding with the Four Horsemen and the Multivariate Normal Tempered Stable Model


Michele Leonardo Bianchi, Gian Luca Tassinari, Frank J. Fabozzi

Elliptical tempered stable distribution


Hassan A. Fallahgoul, Young S. Kim, Frank J. Fabozzi

Equity style allocation: A nonparametric approach


Mohan Subbiah, Frank J. Fabozzi

Diversified or Concentrated Factor Tilts?


Noel Amenc, Frederic Ducoulombier, Felix Goltz, Ashish Lodh, Sivagaminathan Sivasubramanian

Risk-Based and Factor Investing


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Ashish Lodh, Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini, Eric Shirbini

Stock Market Dispersion, the Business Cycle and Expected Factor Returns


Timotheos Angelidis, Athanasios Sakkas, Nikolaos Tessaromatis

Active Allocation To Smart Factor Indices


Noel Amenc, Guillaume Coqueret, Lionel Martellini

Investor Interest In And Requirements For Smart Beta ETFs


Felix Goltz, Veronique Le Sourd

The EDHEC European ETF Survey 2014


Noël Amenc, Frédéric Ducoulombier, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd, Ashish Lodh, Eric Shirbini

Alternative Equity Beta Investing: A Survey


Noel Amenc, Saad Badaoui, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd, Ashish Lodh

Accounting For Geographic Exposure In Performance And Risk Reporting For Equity Portfolios


Noël Amenc, Kumar Gautam, Felix Goltz ,Nicolas Gonzalez, Jan-Philip Schade

In search of Cash-Flow Pricing


Frank J. Fabozzi, K. C. Chen, K. C. Ma, Jessica West

Focusing on the worst state for robust investing


Woo Chang Kim, Jang Ho Kim, John M. Mulvey, Frank J. Fabozzi

Towards Smart Equity Factor Indices: Harvesting Risk Premia Without Taking Unrewarded Risks


Noel Amenc, Felix Goltz, Ashish Lodh, Lionel Martellini

Risk Allocation, Factor Investing And Smart Beta: Reconciling Innovations In Equity Portfolio Construction


Noel Amenc,Romain Deguest, Felix Goltz, Ashish Lodh, Lionel Martellini Eric Shirbini

Global Style Portfolios Based on Country Indices


Timotheos Angelidis, Nikolaos Tessaromatis

Equal or Value Weighting? Implications for Asset-Pricing Tests


Yuliya Plyakha, Raman Uppal, Grigory Vilkov

The EDHEC European ETF Survey 2013


Frédéric Ducoulombier, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd, Ashish Lodh

Portfolio selection in the presence of systemic risk


Almira Biglova, Sergio Ortobelli, Frank J. Fabozzi

Risk Allocation: A New Investment Paradigm?


Noel Amenc, Lionel Martellini

Deciphering robust portfolios


Woo Chang Kim, Jang Ho Kim, Frank J. Fabozzi

Recent Developments in Robust Portfolios with a Worst-Case Approach


Mr Jang Ho Kim, Woo Chang Kim, Frank J. Fabozzi

Recent Trends in Equity Portfolio Construction Analytics


Dessislava A. Pachamanova, Frank J. Fabozzi

Robust portfolios that do not tilt factor exposure


Woo Chang Kim, Min Jeong Kim, Jang Ho Kim, Frank J. Fabozzi

60 Years of portfolio optimization: Practical challenges and current trends


Petter N. Kolm, Reha Tutuncu, Frank J. Fabozzi

Stock Return Serial Dependence and Out-of-Sample Portfolio Performance


Victor DeMiguel, Francisco J. Nogales, Raman Uppal

Analysing Statistical Robustness of Cross-Sectional Volatility


Felix Goltz, Lionel Martellini, Stoyan Stoyanov

The Local Volatility Factor For Asian Stock Markets


Lixia Loh, LionelMartellini, Stoyan Stoyanov

Stock Return Serial Dependence and Out-of-Sample Portfolio Performance


Victor DeMiguel, Francisco J. Nogales, Raman Uppal

Smart Beta 2.0


Noel Amenc, Felix Goltz, Nikhil Shah

Short interest, returns, and fundamentals


Ferhat Akbas, Ekkehart Boehmer, Bilal Erturk, Sorin Sorescu

The Relevance of Country- and Sector-specific Model-free Volatility Indicators


Lixia Loh, Lionel Martellini, Stoyan Stoyanov

The EDHEC European ETF Survey 2012


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Nicolas Gonzalez, Nikhil Shah, Eric Shirbini, Nikolaos Tessaromatis

Assessing the Quality of Asian Stock Market Indices


Narasimhan Padmanaban, Masayoshi Mukai, Lin Tang, Véronique Le Sourd

Portfolio Selection Problems Consistent with a Given Preference Ordering


Sergio Ortobelli Lozza, Haim Shalit, Frank J. Fabozzi

The new issues puzzle: evidence from non-US firms


Turan G. Bali, Nusret Cakici, Frank J. Fabozzi

Market overreaction and underreaction: tests of the directional and magnitude effects


Frank J. Fabozzi, Chun-Yip Fung, Kin Lam, Wing-Keung Wong

Size, value, and momentum in emerging market stock returns


Nusret Cakici, Frank J. Fabozzi, Sinan Tan

Composition of robust equity portfolios


Jang Ho Kim, Woo Chang Kim, Frank J. Fabozzi

What do robust equity portfolio models really do?


Woo Chang Kim, Jang Ho Kim, So Hyoung Ahn, Frank J. Fabozzi

Empirical analysis of ARMA-GARCH models in market risk estimation on high-frequency US data


Beck, A., Young Shin, A.K., Rachev, S., Feindt, M., Fabozzi, F.

EDHEC-Risk North American Index Survey 2011


Noel Amenc, Felix Goltz, Lin Tang, Vijay Vaidyanathan

Revisiting Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation


Timotheos Angelidis, Daniel Giamouridis, Nikolaos Tessaromatis

Revisiting Core-Satellite Investing - A Dynamic Model of Relative Risk Management


Noël Amenc, Philippe Malaise, Lionel Martellini

EDHEC-Risk Asian Index Survey 2011


Noel Amenc, Felix Goltz, Masayoshi Mukai, Padmanaban Narasimhan , Lin Tang

Stock Return Predictability of Cross-Market Deviations in Option Prices and Credit Default Swap Spreads


Georgios Angelopoulos, Daniel Giamouridis, Georgios Nikolakakis

The EDHEC European ETF Survey 2011


Felix Goltz, Lin Tang

What do Short Sellers Know?


Ekkehart Boehmer, Charles M. Jones, Xiaoyan Zhang

What are the Risks of European ETFs?


Noël Amenc, Frédéric Ducoulombier, Felix Goltz, Lin Tang

Sensitivity of portfolio VaR and CVaR to portfolio return characteristics


Stoyan V. Stoyanov, Svetlozar T. Rachev, Frank J. Fabozzi

Competition in Portfolio Management: Theory and Experiment


Elena Asparouhova, Peter Bossaerts, Jernej Copic, Brad Cornell, Jaksa Cvitanic, Debrah Meloso

EDHEC-Risk European Index Survey 2011


Noel Amenc, PhD, Felix Goltz,Lin Tang

Keynes Meets Markowitz: The Trade-off Between Familiarity and Diversification


Phelim Boyle, Lorenzo Garlappi, Raman Uppal, Tan Wang

Improved Beta? A Comparison Of Index-Weighting Schemes


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Lionel Martellini, Shuyang Ye

Risk Parity - Rewards Risks and Research Opportunities


Barry Schachter, S. Ramu Thiagarajan

Idiosyncratic Risk and the Pricing of Poorly-Diversified Portfolios


Chris Brooks, Xiafei Li, Joëlle Miffre

Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns


Rene Garcia, Daniel Mantilla-Garcia, Lionel Martellini

Improving Portfolio Selection Using Option-Implied Volatility and Skewness


Victor DeMiguel, Yuliya Plyakha, Raman Uppal, Grigory Vilkov

How to Construct Fundamental Risk Factors?


Georges Hübner, Marie Lambert

The Alpha of a Market Timer


Georges Hübner

A Post-crisis Perspective on Diversification for Risk Management


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Stoyan Stoyanov

Introducing a New Form of Volatility Index: The Cross-Sectional Volatility Index


Felix Goltz, Renata Guobuzaite, Lionel Martellini

Risk Reduction in Style Rotation


Rodrigo Dupleich, Daniel Giamouridis, Chris Montagu

The EDHEC European ETF Survey 2010


Felix Goltz, Adina Grigoriu, Lin Tang

Short Selling and the Price Discovery Process


Ekkehart Boehmer, Julie Wu

The Time-Varying Liquidity Risk of Value and Growth Stocks


Ferhat Akbas, Ekkehart Boehmer, Egemen Genc, Ralitsa Petkova

Efficient Indexation: An Alternative To Cap-Weighted Indices


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Lionel Martellini, Patrice Retkowsky

Shackling Short Sellers: The 2008 Shorting Ban


Ekkehart Boehmer, Charles M. Jones, Xiaoyan Zhang

The EDHEC European ETF Survey 2009


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Adina Grigoriu, David Schröder

The Performance of Characteristics-based Indices


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd

Index-Exciting CAViaR: A New Empirical Time-Varying Risk Model


Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio Focardi, Masao Fukushima, Dashan Huang, Zudi Lu, Baimin Yu

EDHEC European ETF Survey 2008


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Adina Grigoriu, Véronique Le Sourd, Lionel Martellini

The Performance of Fundamentally Weighted Indices


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd

Low-Cost Momentum Strategies


Xiafei Li, Chris Brooks, Joëlle Miffre

The Value Premium and Time-Varying Volatility


Xiafei Li, Chris Brooks, Joëlle Miffre

Fundamental Differences? Comparing Alternative Index Weighting Mechanisms


Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd

Some Insiders Are Indeed Smart Investors


Daniel Giamouridis, Manolis Liodakis, Andrew Moniz

Momentum Profits and Non-Normality Risks


Ana-Maria Fuertes, Joëlle Miffre and Wooi-Hou Tan

Momentum Profits and Time-Varying Unsystematic Risk


Xiafei Li, Joëlle Miffre and Chris Brooks

Absolute returns in wealth management: implementing risk controlled strategies


Francois-Serge Lhabitant, Denis Mirlesse, Michel Chardon

The EDHEC European ETF Survey 2006


Noël Amenc, Jean-René Giraud, Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd, Lionel Martellini, Xiaoyan Ma

Dynamic Portfolio Choice with Parameter Uncertainty and the Economic Value of Analysts’ Recommendations


Jakša Cvitanic, Ali Lazrak, Lionel Martellini, Fernando Zapatero.

Static Mean-Variance Analysis with Uncertain Time Horizon


Lionel Martellini, Branko Uroševic

Using Index Options to Improve the Performance of Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategies


Noël Amenc, Philippe Malaise, Lionel Martellini, Daphné Sfeir

Desperately Seeking Pure Style Indexes


Noël Amenc, Robert Faff, Lionel Martellini

Tactical Style Allocation - A New Form of Market Neutral Strategy


Noël Amenc, Philippe Malaise, Lionel Martellini, Daphne Sfeir

The Generalised Treynor Ratio


Georges Hübner

Improving the Market Model: The 4-State Model Alternative


Octave Jokung, Jean-Christophe Meyfredi

Four-State Model vs. Market Model: Part I


Octave Jokung, Jean-Christophe Meyfredi

Asset Allocation


Noël Amenc, Lionel Martellini

An Integrated Framework for Style Analysis and Performance Measurement


Noël Amenc, Daphne Sfeir, Lionel Martellini

Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management


Noël Amenc, Véronique Le Sourd



by Frank J. Fabozzi, Francesco A Fabozzi

This book provides the fundamentals of asset management. It takes a practical perspective in describing asset management. Besides the theoretical aspects of investment management, it provides in-depth insights into the actual implementation issues associated with investment strategies. The 19 chapters combine theory and practice based on the experience of the authors in the asset management industry. The book starts off with describing the key activities involved in asset management and the various forms of risk in managing a portfolio. There is then coverage of the different asset classes (common stock, bonds, and alternative assets), collective investment vehicles, financial derivatives, common stock analysis and valuation, bond analytics, equity beta strategies (including smart beta), equity alpha strategies (including quantitative/systematic strategies), bond indexing and active bond portfolio strategies, and multi-asset strategies. The methods of using financial derivatives (equity derivatives, interest rate derivatives, and credit derivatives) in managing the risks of a portfolio are clearly explained and illustrated.

World Scientific - 2020




by Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, Ashish Lodh, Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini, Eric Shirbini

Lionel Martellini from EDHEC-Risk Institute, together with Noël Amenc, Felix Goltz, and Eric Shirbini from ERI Scientific Beta, contributed a chapter to the book entitled, "Designing Multi-Factor Equity Portfolios", which examines the following topics: Designing efficient and investable proxies for risk premia Risk allocation with smart factor indices Absolute return perspective: Absolute risk management without factor risk exposure constraints; Introducing risk-budgeting constraints; Long-term evidence in the USA universe Relative risk perspective: Methodology; Risk contributions and performance; Relative risk allocation using long-term USA factor indices Index design and allocation decisions for multi-factor equity portfolios

ISTE Press - Elsevier - 2015




by Noël Amenc, Véronique Le Sourd

For many years, asset management was considered to be a marginal activity, but today, it is central to the development of the financial industry throughout the world. Asset management's transition from an "art and craft" to an industry has inevitably called integrated business models into question, favouring specialisation strategies based on cost optimisation and learning curve objectives. This book connects each of these major categories of techniques and practices to the unifying and seminal conceptual developments of modern portfolio theory. .

John Wiley & Sons - 2003




by Noël Amenc, Véronique Le Sourd

In the last ten years, commercial and technical innovations have been increasingly prevalent within the asset management industry. It therefore seems essential to allow both practitioners and researchers to situate these innovations within a clear and consistent conceptual framework. That is the objective fixed by this publication, which establishes a link between the major concerns of managers (evaluating the investment management process, measuring performance and controlling risk) and the results of research into portfolio theory. Notable subjects are the implementation of multifactor and style analysis models for performance and risk measurement. These probably constitute the most significant conceptual advances for the asset management industry since the formalisation of the capital asset pricing model. Finally, a review of criticisms of the models and results from the literature on portfolio performance attribution allow the reader to comprehend, with a sense of perspective, the academic and empirical "evidence" in the area of measurement and persistence of the outperformance of funds and managers.

Economica - 2002




by Noël Amenc, Véronique Le Sourd

Modern portfolio management theory has put forward quantitative approaches for measuring portfolio risk. Equities constitute a privileged realm of application for this theory. The book describes the main quantitative methods used in managing equity portfolios. Following a presentation of the principal asset pricing models, i.e. DDM, CAPM and APT, the book presents the methods used for the active selection of securities based on these models. It then deals with the different types of index management: pure replication, synthetic replication and tilted index management. Lastly, a major section is dedicated to static and dynamic methods of portfolio insurance. This publication also covers the main categories of active and passive management strategies that correspond to current investor requirements. The extensive bibliography will assist the reader who wishes to pursue the subject further.

Economica - 1998

Scientifi Beta - an SGX and EDHEC Venture

Scientific Beta aims to encourage the entire investment industry to adopt the latest advances in smart factor and ESG/Climate index design and implementation. Established in December 2012 by EDHEC-Risk Institute, one of the top academic institutions in the field of fundamental and applied research for the investment industry, as part of its mission to transfer academic know-how to the financial industry, Scientific Beta shares the same concern for scientific rigour and veracity, which it applies to all the services that it provides to investors and asset managers. We offer the smart factor and ESG/Climate solutions that are most proven scientifically, with full transparency of both methods and associated risks. 

On January 31, 2020, Singapore Exchange (SGX) acquired a majority stake in Scientific Beta. SGX is maintaining the strong collaboration with EDHEC Business School, and principles of independent, empirical-based academic research, that have benefited Scientific Beta’s development to date. 

 As of July 31, 2022, there was USD 52.47bn in assets replicating Scientific Beta indices. More than 45% of Scientific Beta's assets under replication refer to indices with an ESG or Climate flavour.  

Scientific Beta has a dedicated team of 55 people who cover not only client support from Nice, Singapore and Boston, but also the development, production and promotion of its index offering. Scientific Beta signed the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) on September 27, 2016. Scientific Beta became an associate member of the Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) on April 9, 2021 and a member of the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) on November 28, 2022. 

As a complement to its own research, Scientific Beta supports an important research initiative developed by EDHEC on the subjects of ESG and climate investing and cooperates with V.E and ISS ESG for the construction of its ESG and climate indices. 



EDHEC-Risk Efficient Equity Indices

The FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient Index Series aims to capture equity market returns with an improved risk/reward efficiency compared to cap-weighted indices. The weighting of the portfolio of constituents achieves the highest possible return-to-risk efficiency by maximising the Sharpe ratio.

Further information is available at:



The FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient Eurobloc ERAFP SRI Large Cap Custom Index aims to efficiently capture the performance available within an SRI screened universe of large and mid cap stocks in the Eurobloc. While the SRI screen allows addressing non-financial objectives, the efficient weighting scheme seeks to improve return-to-risk efficiency by improving portfolio diversification. While the screen relies on qualitative information on companies' SRI compliance, the weighting method uses robust estimates of a stock’s risk and return as inputs.

For further information, please contact FTSE.

Amundi AM ETF & Smart BetaEDHEC-Risk Institute has developed an active research programme in the construction of and allocation to smart equity indices. 

This programme has benefited from the continued and historical support of Amundi since 2009 in the context of the “ETF, Indexing and Smart Beta Investment Strategies” research chair.


It has also included “Financial Risk Management as a Source of Performance" research chair with the support of The French Asset Management Association (Association Française de la Gestion Financière, AFG) , ”the “Active Allocation to Smart Factor Indices” research chair, in partnership with Rothschild & Cie, the “Maximizing Volatility Pumping Benefits in Equity Markets” research chair, in partnership with Banque de France Gestion and the  Eurex "Benefits of Volatility Derivatives in Equity Portfolio Management" strategic research project will be on optimising access to the equity risk premium while controlling for downside risk.

Since as early as 2006, EDHEC-Risk Institute has produced research on the inefficiency of cap-weighted equity indices supported by Af2i (French association of institutional investors), BNP Paribas Asset Management and UBS