This specialisation is made of 4 MOOCs and has been launched on September 23, 2021
A major redirection of resources is required from all areas of economic activity to tackle climate change in a decisive manner. Although solutions cannot solely come from finance, finance will play a major role in the redirection of resources required in the energy transition.
The Climate Change and Sustainable Investing Specialisation includes 4 MOOCs and is intended to equip you with a comprehensive overview of climate change and climate change action drawing on climate science, political economy, capital budgeting and corporate financial strategy, and risk and investment management.
This 100% online innovative programme is offered exclusively on the world's largest e-learning platform, Coursera. MOOCs are not only an opportunity to master specific career skills, they also give you the chance to tap into a broad community of learners with a rich diversity of backgrounds and cultures.
Click on this video to learn more about our specialisation!
The specialization is designed to cater to a diverse audience sharing an interest in climate change and sustainable finance.
You will learn at your own pace and benefit from the expertise of global thought leaders on sustainable finance. With research backgrounds in physics, engineering, corporate finance, and quantitative risk and investment management, and professional experience in institutional investment management and corporate valuation and advisory services, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute researchers and EDHEC Business School faculty members collaborate to provide a holistic view of climate change, climate change action, and the role of finance and financial markets in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Key learning objectives
Format: Open Enrolment
Time Commitment: 4 weeks / 3 to 5 hours per week
Output: Certificate proving that you have mastered the key concepts
Key learning objectives
Format: Open Enrolment
Time Commitment: 5 weeks / 3 to 5 hours per week
Output: Certificate proving that you have mastered the key concepts
Key learning objectives
Format: Open Enrolment
Time Commitment: 4 weeks / 3 hours per week
Output: Certificate proving that you have mastered the key concepts
Key learning objectives
Format: Open Enrolment
Time Commitment: 5 weeks / 3 hours per week
Output: Certificate proving that you have mastered the key concepts