This specialisation is made of 4 MOOCs*
*A MOOC is about 15 hours of content, including videos, recommended readings, free access to additional material (external videos, articles…), and assessments (self-assessment and graded quizzes)
Addressing climate change decisively demands a significant reallocation of economic resources. While climate change and its actions will mobilise and impact different economic sectors differently, finance has a pivotal role to play to protect resources and facilitate their strategic deployment.
Against this backdrop, the Climate Change and Sustainable Investing Specialisation offered by EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute is intended to equip you with a comprehensive overview of climate change and climate change action drawing on climate science, political economy, capital budgeting and corporate financial strategy, and portfolio risk and management.
Key Learning objectives:
With research backgrounds in physics, engineering, corporate finance, and quantitative risk and investment management, and professional experience in institutional investment management and corporate valuation and advisory services, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute researchers and EDHEC Business School faculty members collaborate to provide a holistic view of climate change, climate change action, and the role of finance and financial markets in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The specialisation is designed to cater to a diverse audience sharing an interest in climate change and sustainable finance. It is appropriate for learners without advanced training in economics and finance but provides those with such backgrounds with additional resources to further explore topics at the intersection of climate change and finance. The specialisation has already attracted 25,000+ learners from 29 countries and ranging in age from 25 to 65 reflecting its global appeal and accessibility. About two-thirds of learners to date have been practicing professionals. The diversity of participants in terms of cultural and academic backgrounds as well as professional experience levels fosters an engaging and inclusive learning environment for learners using the Coursera platform collaborative tools.
"Love many examples of calculations and the critical-thinking approach! These are much needed in the debate of climate change today ."
"Long on facts and science and short on opinions... very useful and insightful."
“At last a scientific course on climate change and means to (try to) tackle it."
“The Finance of Climate Change course is a really good basic course involving climate change related financing and risk involved to financing institute, investors etc .Financial resources and sound investments are needed to address climate change, to both reduce emissions, promote adaptation to the impacts.
“Concepts are clearly delivered through videos plus abundant references. It is a must-take course if you are interested in Climate Change and Sustainable Investment.”
“A fantastic overview for non-financial experts on currently on-going climate change finance. Most useful!"
Learners can earn a certificate for each of the four courses in the Specialisation - the certificate attests that the learner has completed the course and mastered the key concepts (passed graded quiz assessments).
Learners pay a monthly fee of €45 for access to all certification courses in the Specialisation. Financial aid and scholarships are available to individuals who can't afford the certificate fee. The amount of financial aid received may depend on details provided in the application, such as educational background, career goals, financial circumstances, and geographical location.
It is also possible to audit each of the courses on a fully complimentary basis. While auditing provides limited access, learners who choose to upgrade will gain access to grades, feedback, and certificates, enhancing their learning experience.