Five years into his tenure as dean of EDHEC Business School in France, Emmanuel Métais is staking a claim on climate finance and sustainable impact. Courtesy photo
Poets & Quants 08/02/2023
"(...) My first goal was really to put in place what I just mentioned: To have an impact for future generations, to launch this mindset, and to start deeply transforming the school in order to reach this goal.
So basically, this meant three big transformations: First, EDHEC is quite well known for our research in asset management. I really want us now to be known worldwide for climate finance, so finance for good. We have launched a research center (EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute) on which we have dedicated €20 million, to develop tools and good research for integrating climate change in finance.(...)
(...) When we started to work on the plan, of course, we wanted to have this “for future generation” differentiator and transformation drive. We really took time to think about what kind of positive impact we wanted to have because it’s been difficult to do everything — gender parity, inclusion and diversity, climate change, social justice, etc., – all at the same time. We do our best to address all of these challenges, and we will invest in each of them, but finally we ended up with climate change because it’s the most important matter. If in 50 years from now we can no longer live on Earth, all of the other battles will be meaningless.
This is why we decided first to invest in the EDHEC Risk Climate Impact Institute. We have opened new programs like the Master of Science in Climate Finance. We have launched a lot of new courses relating to climate change. For instance, we have one course which is compulsory in masters and bachelor programs, which is called Planetary Boundaries and New Economic Models. Of course, there are a lot of specializations in various programs relating to climate change.(...) "
Copyright Poets & Quants
EDHEC Dean Emmanuel Métais Wants Grads To Lead On Climate & Impact, 08/02/2023