About IEIF
The Institut of “Epargne Immobiliere et Fonciere”, an independent research organization, is a unique place in France where real estate and investment professionals can exchange views, share data and gain insight.
IEIF, an acronym for “Institut de l’Epargne Immobilière et Foncière”, is an independent French membership organisation, providing research, education and networking for professionals in the real estate investment field.
IEIF gathers more than one hundred members mainly institutional investors, fund managers, property companies and banks, but also among property developers, urban planners, construction companies, in fact all actors involved into the property business. Membership includes access to documentation and studies as well as Q&A on-line services.
Founded nearly 30 years ago, the organisation is headed by Christian de Kerangal, a high profile real estate professional. Béatrice Guedj, PhD in mathematical economy with an extensive experience in real estate investment, is acting as Head of Research. The team of analysts and senior advisors consists of close to ten people, supported by IT and database expertise.
IEIF provides statistics, information, analysis and forecast on French and European property markets as well as on indirect investments such as SIIC (French listed REIT), OPCI (French unlisted REIT), SCPI (unlisted property collective investment funds), property based UCITs.
In this capacity IEIF designs and produces different property market indices on listed real estate as the Euronext IEIF SIIC France Index and REIT Europe Index and on unlisted funds as the EDHEC IEIF Commercial Property France Index.
IEIF’s expertise is structured around four complementary service offerings: research on unlisted property funds, research on listed property companies, research on direct property both commercial and residential and a club focusing on analysis and forecast of the French property market.
IEIF adopts systematically a top down approach, starting from the financial and economic conditions to analyse the property market behaviour and then the specific vehicles dynamic. This comprehensive approach helps the members into their strategic decisions, may be as diverse as asset allocation principles for institutional investors or market timing for property developers.
About the EDHEC IEIF Quarterly Commercial Property Index (France)
The EDHEC IEIF Quarterly Commercial Property Index (France) was developed by IEIF (Institut de l’Epargne Immobilière et Foncière) and EDHEC-Risk, in collaboration with the global competitiveness centre Finance Innovation, under the patronage and with the support of La Française Group. It measures the monthly performance of an aggregate portfolio of unlisted funds, without financial leverage, representative of the performance of French commercial property.
The index is published quarterly, with publication occurring on the 20th of the second month following the end of each calendar quarter.
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