Amundi renews its support to EDHEC-Risk Climate

Written on 07 Mar 2023.

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Amundi selected to support 3 research initiatives on climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, amongst which the academic centre EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute, the open data source OS-Climate by The Linux Foundation and the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change


As a responsible asset manager, Amundi believes that research is crucial for advancing responsible investment, particularly in the fight against climate change.


Amundi has chosen to continue its backing for EDHEC-Risk Climate. This marks the 14th consecutive year that Amundi has supported EDHEC-Risk, which has now become the EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute, with the aim to become a leading academic reference point helping long-term investors manage the asset-pricing implications of climate change as well as mitigation and adaptation efforts . Amundi sponsors the institute's new research chair on measuring and managing climate risks in investment portfolios.


As part of the research chair, EDHEC-Risk Climate Research Director Professor Dominic O'KANE and Senior Research Engineer Jean-Michel MAESO, PhD, will examine the impact of unexpected climate news on the performance of Green and Brown equity and industry portfolios, using a variety of language models machine learning (results forthcoming in March).


In addition to its support for EDHEC-Risk Climate, Amundi will also sponsor OS-Climate, an open data and analytics initiative that aims to accelerate the shift to sustainable and high-impact investments while reducing investments in GHG-intensive companies.


Furthermore, Amundi will support the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, which studies the interactions between human and Earth systems to help address global challenges.


Amundi is committed to delivering long-term sustainable value for its clients and stakeholders while considering the significant challenges facing society and the world in a just transition.