

The results of the research work performed by EDHEC-Risk Institute have been published by leading specialised scientific publications   EDHEC-Risk Institute was set up to conduct world-class academic research and highlight its applications to... Read more
EDHEC continues its progression in the world Top 10  EDHEC cemented its leadership on the international business education market by making progress in all of the 3 rankings published today (Custom programmes, Open programmes and Combined). The... Read more
WHAT IS YOUR EDUCATION PRIOR TO EDHEC? I hold a Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration from the Vienna University of Economics & Business and had the opportunity to attend the National University of Singapore as an exchange... Read more
  At the time of Covid-19, France and the whole world are experiencing an unprecedented situation plunging decision-makers and managers into uncertainty about the future of the economy and their companies. On the strength of its strong and... Read more
Obtain the EDHEC-Risk Certificate in Advances in Asset Allocation through its online course EDHEC-Risk Institute is pleased to announce the launch of the Advances in Asset Allocation Online Course: From Investors’ Problems to Investment... Read more
EDHEC-Risk Institute just published the latest special issue of the EDHEC Research for Institutional Money Management supplement to Pensions & Investments. Download the supplement   We aim to provide institutional investors with an... Read more
We are pleased to enclose an EDHEC-Risk Institute research article published in the March 2020 issue of the Journal of Portfolio Management. In this article "Measuring Portfolio Rebalancing Benefits in Equity Markets", authors... Read more
In order to advance the frontiers of knowledge and foster industry innovation, EDHEC-Risk Institute implements eight research programmes focusing on interrelated aspects of investment solutions to advance the frontiers of knowledge and foster... Read more
Bernd Scherer, Research Associate at EDHEC-Risk, Winner of the 2020 Best Systematic Investing Research Paper of The Year A Journal of Portfolio Management article entitled, "Value by Design?" by Bernd Scherer, Research Associate at EDHEC-... Read more
Underpinned by an ambitious investment plan amounting to some €230 million, the 2020-2025 strategic plan is set to drive an in-depth transformation of EDHEC: through our research, by making EDHEC the go-to business school worldwide for sustainable... Read more
We are honoured to announce that Professor Gianfranco Gianfrate, Sustainable Finance Lead Expert at EDHEC-Risk Institute has been invited to become a jury member of the Sustainable and ESG Investment Awards. The purpose of these awards is to... Read more
We are honoured to announce that Lionel Martellini, Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School and Director of EDHEC-Risk Institute, has been invited to join Carbon4 Finance’s Scientific Committee, alongside 7 other prominent members, senior... Read more
Portfolio Management Research publishes Practical Applications report on EDHEC-Risk Institute paper examining flexicure retirement solutions In this Practical Applications report, authored by Kihye Hong of Portfolio Management Research, formerly II... Read more
New research chair on goal-based wealth management and application to retirement investing Building upon fundamental research on risk allocation and goal-based wealth management conducted in recent years, EDHEC-Risk Institute announced today that it... Read more
A Year in Research: focus on sustainable investing, factor investing, machine learning and retirement investing   As we enter a new decade, EDHEC-Risk Institute takes a look back at the most read articles of 2019, covering a diverse range of... Read more
The Advances in Asset and Factor Allocation Seminar: How to design efficient investment solutions consistent with sustainable investing principles   EDHEC-Risk Institute now embraces sustainability in its asset allocation expertise on Factor... Read more
The transaction values Scientific Beta at €200m and is expected to be completed by the end of January. Recognised since 1958 as a public interest not-for-profit association under France’s Law of 1901, EDHEC has been pursuing a disruptive strategy... Read more
Lionel Martellini, directeur de l’EDHEC-Risk Institute et Professeur de Finance à l’EDHEC Business School a été invité par Valérie Baudson, Présidente du Collège Investisseurs à rejoindre Le Collège Investisseurs de Paris EUROPLACE. Depuis le 12... Read more
Lionel Martellini, Director of the EDHEC-Risk Institute has been invited by Valérie Baudson, Chairman of the Institutional Investors’ Committee to join the Institutional Investors’ Committee of Paris EUROPLACE. Since 12 December 2019, Lionel serves... Read more
New research chair Designing and Implementing Welfare-Improving Investment Solutions for Institutions and Individuals EDHEC-Risk Institute and FirstRand Limited are partnering for the first time to launch a three-year research chair entitled “... Read more



30 Sep

Embracing the CSRD as a driver for transformation: Sustainable Investment Europe 2024

26 Nov

New Frontiers in Systematic Equity Investing: Scientific Beta Days Europe 2024