Written on 06 Jul 2022.
EDHEC Business School is proud to join the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings, which measure the ability of over 1,500 higher education and research establishments around the world to respond to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Since 2019, the UK monthly THE has been publishing a set of annual rankings that assess universities around the world in terms of their progress in achieving the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. THE measures the wider impact of universities on society by looking beyond the traditional criteria focusing on their research and teaching performance.
For its first participation, EDHEC fared particularly well on 2 rankings: that concerning Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 “Decent work and economic growth”, which measures among other aspects, the impact of measures fostering the employability of students and graduates, and on SDG 13 “Climate action”, which measures the institution’s engagement in favour of a carbon-neutral trajectory and its intellectual production dealing with climate issues.
In terms of the “Decent work and economic growth” goal, EDHEC ranked among the 25% of establishments the most advanced on the subject. To assess EDHEC’s performance on this SDG, THE notably appreciated and commended the pro-employability aspects of EDHEC’s programmes and its Human Resources policy as an employer.
EDHEC’s engagement in terms of the climate and particularly climate finance was recognised via its performance on the “Climate action” SDG, on which the School ranked among the top 200 establishments worldwide. Here, THE commended not only the climate finance research produced by EDHEC’s professors and researchers, but also the use of decarbonised energies on our campuses.
Lastly, the THE rankings underlined the close relations EDHEC maintains with businesses, not only by focusing its programmes on teaching its students practical skills that businesses need, but also through research collaborations with industry. EDHEC produces research of real practical use to businesses through a research model geared to making a high impact on industry and society. These results reinforce EDHEC in the execution of its Impact Future Generations strategy and the continuation of its longstanding impact trajectory. They acknowledge our commitment in favour of a responsible business world engaged for the benefit of future generations.
For Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC Business School, “We are very pleased to join the THE rankings for 2022. It’s a source of pride to be counted among the top higher education institutions that act positively for society and respond as best as possible to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our determination is total in this area, as witnessed by our Impact Future Generations strategic plan which we are executing with our professors, students and more broadly the whole of the EDHEC community”.
Click here for the THE Impact Rankings 2022