Written on 22 Feb 2018.
The digital disruption is everywhere
EDHEC-Risk Institute positions itself as the leading academic think-tank in the area of investment solutions. Transferring know-how to the industry, research outreach and education are each part of its core activities. New technologies are deeply impacting these activities, with the emergence of new media and education practices. Just as in many other industries, a digital disruption is taking place in the investment management industry. EDHEC-Risk Institute and EDHEC Business School intend to make the most of available technologies by developing digital courses and programmes, and by offering education and research outreach on social media.
EDHEC-Risk Institute is proud to introduce the Investment Solutions YouTube channel
In addition to its contributions on Twitter and LinkedIn, EDHEC-Risk Institute is launching an Investment Solutions YouTube channel, available here. Updates on new videos and live events will be sent to subscribers. Subscription to the channel is available here.
EDHEC-Risk Institute’s research on Investment Solutions emphasises the need to focus on three fundamental sources of added value: Diversification, Hedging and Insurance. As a mirror image of the Investment Solutions website, the Investment Solutions YouTube channel will provide viewers with three dedicated playlists:
The risky portfolio should be efficient at harvesting risk premia across and within asset classes: It’s all about diversification!
The safe portfolio should be efficient at matching risk factor exposures on the asset and liability sides: It’s all about hedging!
The allocation to the efficient risky and safe portfolios should secure investors’ essential goals while generating a high probability of achieving their aspirational goals: It’s all about insurance!
A full range of tools and solutions
With the launch of Investment Solutions YouTube channel, EDHEC-Risk Institute ambitions to provide the investment industry with several tools and solutions, including:
Additional material will be regularly added to the channel. The best way to stay up-to-date is to subscribe to one of the playlists or to the full channel here.
The latest EDHEC-Risk Institute news will still be available on Twitter and LinkedIn.