Written on 04 Dec 2024.
On December 11 and 12, EDHEC professors Riccardo Rebonato and Emmanuel Jurczenko, along with Vincent Bouchet, ESG Director at Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture), will participate in the Green Finance Research Advances event co-organised by the Banque de France and the Institut Louis Bachelier. The event will take place both online and in Paris.
The Green Finance Research Advances (GFRA) is an international research conference for academics and professionals, co-organised by the Banque de France and the Institut Louis Bachelier, with the participation of the Institut de la Finance Durable and the Institute for Climate Economics-I4CE.
The 9th edition takes place on 11 and 12 December 2024 in Paris and online, entirely in English.
Emmanuel Jurczenko, Professor of Finance and Director of Graduate Finance Programmes at EDHEC
Vincent Bouchet, Director of ESG and Climate Research at Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture)
Riccardo Rebonato, Professor of Finance at EDHEC and Scientific Director of the EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute
This event brings together academics, finance practitioners and regulators, to discuss together research issues related to the integration of climate risks into macro-economic modelling/forecasting and into the risk assessment of the financial sector.
The special emphasis of this 9th edition will be on transition and adaptation finance and in particular on metrics, data, models and assessment tools specifically designed to evaluate and enhance the efficacy of transition and adaptation finance.