Research and publications

The Benefits of Hedge Funds In Asset Liability Management

Institutional investors in general and pension funds in particular have been dramatically affected by negative stock market returns at the beginning of the millennium. In the context of a cumulativ ...


Lionel Martellini, Véronique Le Sourd, Volker Ziemann


Institutional investors in general and pension funds in particular have been dramatically affected by negative stock market returns at the beginning of the millennium. In the context of a cumulative asset/liability deficit that was estimated at more than £55 billion in 2003 for the companies in the FTSE 100, institutional investors are seeking new asset classes or forms of investment management that would allow them to broaden their traditional choice of asset allocation. An alternative investment offering has been introduced in the past several years, allowing investors to optimise the risk/return combination of their portfolio. A revisited version of this study was published in the June 2006 issue of The IFCAI Journal of Financial Risk Management.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 05/06/2008
Keywords :

Asset-Liability Management