Research and publications

Does the rise ofrenewable energy create newrisks forinvestors?: Insights from 20 years of energy transition in the UK

This research note examines the impact on the risk profile of wind and solar power investments of the increasing dominance of renewables in the energy mix of a given c ...


Frédéric Blanc-Brude, Laurence Monnier,


This research note examines the impact on the risk profile of wind and solar power investments of the increasing dominance of renewables in the energy mix of a given country.

As green power sources that are intermittent become central to a power system, without commercially viable medium- and long-term storage options, what is the likely impact on the electricity market and system as a whole and do wind and solar investments, which have historically benefited from a safer, privileged position in the power sector, become riskier?

We use the case of the UK as an example of an economy that has made a rapid transition to renewables and away from coal, while relying on very limited hydro and nuclear capacity i.e., the typical transition required of most advanced economies.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 16/10/2022