Research and publications

Evaluating Hedge Fund Investments: The Role of Pure Style Indices

Over the past decade, the hedge fund industry has grown – big time. According to estimates, the number of hedge funds increased from 2,000 to 8,000, assets under management went from US $67 billion to US $800 billion, and inflows of money to hedge funds have never been greater. This growth was essentially driven by the attractive risk-adjusted performance achieved by hedge funds, their ability to protect capital in negative equity markets, and the shrinkage in proprietary trading activities, which coincided neatly with a welter of hedge fund launches.


Francois-Serge Lhabitant


Over the past decade, the hedge fund industry has grown – big time. According to estimates, the number of hedge funds increased from 2,000 to 8,000, assets under management went from US $67 billion to US $800 billion, and inflows of money to hedge funds have never been greater. This growth was essentially driven by the attractive risk-adjusted performance achieved by hedge funds, their ability to protect capital in negative equity markets, and the shrinkage in proprietary trading activities, which coincided neatly with a welter of hedge fund launches.

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Type : Working paper
Date : 12/01/2003
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