Research and publications

Fees at Risk

Hull (2007) writes: “For an asset manager the greatest risk is operational risk”. In 2008, however, asset management companies came under severe pressure not from operational risk, but from market risk. What had been seen as an annuity stream that was thought to expose firms to little or no earnings risk turned out to be directional stock market exposure combined with high operational leverage. A revisited version of this working paper was published in the Fall 2010 issue of the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance.


Bernhard Scherer


Hull (2007) writes: “For an asset manager the greatest risk is operational risk”. In 2008, however, asset management companies came under severe pressure not from operational risk, but from market risk. What had been seen as an annuity stream that was thought to expose firms to little or no earnings risk turned out to be directional stock market exposure combined with high operational leverage. A revisited version of this working paper was published in the Fall 2010 issue of the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance.

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Type : Working paper
Date : 12/01/2008
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