Research and publications

Hedge Fund Performance in 2006: A Vintage Year for Hedge Funds?

In a report entitled “Hedge Fund Performance: A Vintage Year for Hedge Funds?”, Véronique Le Sourd, Senior Research Engineer with the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre provides a comprehensive account of the performance of each hedge fund strategy included in the EDHEC Alternative Indexes. The author reveals that funds of hedge funds, which are often taken to give an aggregate view of the industry’s performance, yielded a solid return of 11.25% in 2006.


Véronique Le Sourd


In a report entitled “Hedge Fund Performance: A Vintage Year for Hedge Funds?”, Véronique Le Sourd, Senior Research Engineer with the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre provides a comprehensive account of the performance of each hedge fund strategy included in the EDHEC Alternative Indexes. The author reveals that funds of hedge funds, which are often taken to give an aggregate view of the industry’s performance, yielded a solid return of 11.25% in 2006.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 19/03/2007
Keywords :

Alternative Investments