Research and publications

Hedge Fund Performance in 2008

This paper analyses twelve years of data on EDHEC Alternative Indexes for different hedge fund strategies to provide some perspective on their performance. The extraordinary events of 2008 were not without an impact on hedge fund returns. Funds of hedge funds lost 17% in 2008, posting their worst annual returns since we began keeping records in 1997. Hedge fund investments lost value across the board. Except for CTAs and Short Sellers, all strategies posted their worst losses in 2008. Even after the impact of a calamitous year, half the strategies still post cumulative returns above 100% for the past ten years, that is, a compound annual return above 7%.


Véronique Le Sourd


This paper analyses twelve years of data on EDHEC Alternative Indexes for different hedge fund strategies to provide some perspective on their performance. The extraordinary events of 2008 were not without an impact on hedge fund returns. Funds of hedge funds lost 17% in 2008, posting their worst annual returns since we began keeping records in 1997. Hedge fund investments lost value across the board. Except for CTAs and Short Sellers, all strategies posted their worst losses in 2008. Even after the impact of a calamitous year, half the strategies still post cumulative returns above 100% for the past ten years, that is, a compound annual return above 7%.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 17/02/2009
Keywords :

Alternative Investments