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Research and publications

Reactions to an EDHEC Study on the Fair Value Controversy

A "call for reaction" was sent by EDHEC to international institutional investors and asset managers to compare investor views of the amendments to the IAS39 and IFRS 7 standards not just with the conclusions of an initial EDHEC study ("The Fair Value Controversy: Ignoring the Real Issue"), but also with the ambitions of these reforms prepared and adopted in great haste. The call for reaction received more than 800 responses and represents the first international survey on the relevance of the reforms carried out by the IASB under pressure from the European Commission. The results of this study correspond to EDHEC’s initial arguments. Fewer than a quarter of the respondents believe that these amendments are necessary and well suited to resolving the problems of bank solvency. Moreover, three-quarters of respondents believe that they are likely to lead to new problems.


Noël Amenc, Frédéric Ducoulombier, Philippe Foulquier


A "call for reaction" was sent by EDHEC to international institutional investors and asset managers to compare investor views of the amendments to the IAS39 and IFRS 7 standards not just with the conclusions of an initial EDHEC study ("The Fair Value Controversy: Ignoring the Real Issue"), but also with the ambitions of these reforms prepared and adopted in great haste. The call for reaction received more than 800 responses and represents the first international survey on the relevance of the reforms carried out by the IASB under pressure from the European Commission. The results of this study correspond to EDHEC’s initial arguments. Fewer than a quarter of the respondents believe that these amendments are necessary and well suited to resolving the problems of bank solvency. Moreover, three-quarters of respondents believe that they are likely to lead to new problems.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 18/12/2008
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