Research and publications

Reactions to "A Review of Corporate Bond Indices: Construction Principles, Return Heterogeneity, and Fluctuations in Risk Exposures"

The results of a call for reaction conducted to help gather evidence on investor perceptions of the issues related to corporate bond indexing, further to the EDHEC-Risk Institute study published in 2011 that found highly unstable risk exposure, and notably highly unstable duration, across eight indices through time, in the eurozone and the US, and with heightened instability in two so-called “investable” indices.


Felix Goltz, Véronique Le Sourd, Masayoshi Mukai, Fahd Rachidy


The results of a call for reaction conducted to help gather evidence on investor perceptions of the issues related to corporate bond indexing, further to the EDHEC-Risk Institute study published in 2011 that found highly unstable risk exposure, and notably highly unstable duration, across eight indices through time, in the eurozone and the US, and with heightened instability in two so-called “investable” indices.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 26/02/2013
Keywords :

Indexes & Benchmarking