This paper introduces a decomposition of a sub-class of spectral risk measures in terms of L-moments accounting for geometric characteristics of the return distribution similar to the ones described by the ordinary moments. The decomposition completely characterises the spectral risk measures with square-integrable risk aversion functions and can be regarded as a link between higher-order moment risk and downside risk measures. Coherent approximations based on only a few L-moments can be successfully constructed for continuous risk aversion functions and can be applied to problems in...
This paper shows that stock prices impound more information when short sellers are more active. First, in a large panel of NYSE-listed stocks, high-frequency informational efficiency of prices improves with greater daily shorting flow. Second, at monthly and annual horizons, more shorting flow accelerates the incorporation of public information into prices. Third, greater shorting flow reduces post-earnings announcement drift for negative earnings surprises. Fourth, we demonstrate that short sellers change their trading around extreme return events in a way that aids price discovery. These...
This paper studies the liquidity exposures of value and growth stocks over business cycles. In the worst times, value stocks have higher liquidity betas than in the best times, while the opposite holds for growth stocks. Small value stocks have higher liquidity exposures than small growth stocks in the worst times. Small growth stocks have higher liquidity exposures than small value stocks in the best times. The results are consistent with a flight-to-quality explanation for the countercyclical nature of the value premium.
The ban on shorting had negative effects on the hedge fund industry. It also had a negative impact on the returns and the market quality of the stocks placed off limits by the ban. This paper examines the impact of the ban on broad market indices in the US and in Europe (the United Kingdom, France, and Germany). Since these indices and their performance are of great concern to the asset management and hedge fund industries, it is important for practitioners and policy-makers to understand the impact of changing the rules of the game (banning short sales) on the return distribution of these...
This document reviews the concept of green investing and reports the results of a European survey of investment management professionals. The objective is to provide background on industry and academic research into green investing and assess the views and uses of green investing. Our survey shows that green investing is a significant movement in which survey respondents are heavily involved. Nearly 90% of respondents consider environmental protection an investment theme and the same percentage plans to do more green investing in the future.
This publication studies the calibration of private equity risk in the Solvency II standard formula by analysing the correlation of listed share performance, measured through an MSCI index (Europe or the United States, depending on the region we consider in our study) and private equity performance.
We provide a representation for the nonmyopic optimal portfolio of an agent consuming only at the terminal horizon when the single state variable follows a general diffusion process and the market consists of one risky asset and a risk-free asset. The key term of our representation is a new object that we call the “rate of macroeconomic fluctuation” whose properties are fundamental for the portfolio dynamics. We show that, under natural cyclicality conditions, (i) the agent’s hedging demand is positive (negative) when the product of his prudence and risk tolerance is below (above) 2 and (ii)...
This paper examines the ways dynamic asset allocation techniques can be used to manage portfolios of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). First, dynamic allocation to stock and bond ETFs and traditional static diversification are compared. Second, tactical allocation to stock and bond ETFs and risk-controlled allocation—with both forms of allocation informed by the same return forecasts—are compared. The paper shows that dynamic asset allocation techniques that can be used with frequently traded and broadly diversified instruments such as ETFs make it possible better to address investor concerns...
As part of the CACEIS research chair on non-financial risks in investment funds, EDHEC surveyed UCITS and alternative asset managers, their service providers, external observers, and investors for their views of structuring hedge fund strategies as UCITS. The 437 respondents report assets under management (AUM) of more than €13 trillion. Investment fund managers account for roughly €7 trillion of these assets. In general, the survey suggests that institutional investors bound by quantitative restrictions will ask fund managers and distributors to repackage hedge fund strategies as UCITS. For...
In the presence of non-normally distributed asset returns, optimal portfolio selection techniques require estimates for variance-covariance parameters, along with estimates for higher-order moments and comoments of the return distribution. This is a formidable challenge that severely exacerbates the dimensionality problem already present with mean-variance analysis. This paper extends the existing literature, which has mostly focused on the covariance matrix, by introducing improved estimators for the coskewness and cokurtosis parameters. A revisited version of this paper was published in the...
This paper introduces a novel method for the construction of equity indices that, unlike their cap-weighted counterparts, offer an efficient risk/return tradeoff. The index construction method goes back to the roots of modern portfolio theory and focuses on the tangency portfolio, the portfolio that weights index constituents so as to obtain the highest possible Sharpe ratio. The major challenge is to generate the required input parameters in a robust manner. A revisited version of this working paper was published in the Fourth Quarter 2011 issue of the Journal of Investment Management.
Because many facets of the global oil markets have not been sufficiently transparent, it is unclear how much of the oil-price rally that peaked in July 2008 can be put down to speculation. This uncertainty has led to concerns that there was actually excessive speculation in the oil derivatives markets. In an effort to make the oil markets more transparent, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission has recently launched the “Disaggregated Commitments of Traders” report. This report includes three years of enhanced market-participant data for twenty-two commodity futures contracts. This...
We show that non-linear transaction costs generate external effects between accounts due to trade volume dependent marginal transaction costs. For an asset manager with multiple clients this raises the question of fairness. How do I ensure I treat all clients fairly? In general, two possible solutions exist. A revisited version of this paper was published in the Winter 2010 issue of the Journal of Trading.
A wide variety of risk–return ratios is routinely reported in sales pitches as well as academic publications. Few attempts have been made, however, to look at the small sample distributions of these estimators in order to derive confidence bands. The reason for this has been the extreme difficulty of working out the required statistics for most risk–return ratios.
The vast current account surpluses of commodity-rich nations, combined with record current account deficits in developed markets (US, Britain), have created a new type of investor. Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are instrumental in deciding how these surpluses will be invested. A revisited version of this paper was published in Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Vol. 23, 2009, Nº 3.
This paper serves as background literature to the new index and outlines its features and characteristics. First, the importance and the specific characteristics of the real estate market as well as the available real estate investment vehicles are presented. Second, the challenges and problems involved in real estate indexing are discussed. Third, the French real estate market, as the market underlying the index, is described. Fourth, the construction methodology of and the rationale for the EDHEC IEIF Commercial Property (France) Index are discussed in more detail. Fifth and last, this...
Given recent interest in the activities of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), this paper reviews the financial economics of portfolio choice for oil-based investors. It views the optimal asset allocation problem of a sovereign wealth fund as the decision-making problem of an investor with non-tradable endowed wealth (oil reserves). Optimal portfolios combine speculative demand (optimal growth) as well as hedging demand (hedging resource fluctuation risk) and the level of risk taking should depend both on the fraction of financial wealth to resource wealth and on the oil shock hedging properties...
EDHEC surveyed pension funds, their advisers, their regulators, their fiduciary managers, and their asset managers for their reactions to an EDHEC study entitled "Impact of regulations on the ALM of European pension funds. The call for reaction elicited 142 non-blank responses and is the first international survey in which both regulatory constraints and the means of managing them—modern ALM techniques—are assessed jointly.
Financial reporting standards for pension funds are of great topical interest. The current crisis points to the need for clearer regulations, both accounting and prudential, and for regulations that provide better incentives for pension funds to manage risk and to contribute to a more stable pension system. Poorly designed regulations will lead to the closure of defined-benefit pension plans. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has proposed a revision of IAS 19. In the current paper we show that the immediate recognition of the volatility of pension surpluses and deficits in...
The European Commission is seeking to harmonise the depositary fonction and to strengthen protection mechanisms. EDHEC believes that beforehand there should be an in-depth study of the practices of the parties in the value chain and the regulations to which they are subject and that, beyond a minimum protective threshold, complementary protection should be optional, which supposes clear disclosures of the degree of protection and of its cost.
While the private banking industry is in general relatively well equipped on the tax planning side, with tools that can allow private bankers to analyse the situation of high net worth individuals operating offshore or in multiple tax jurisdictions, the software packages used on the financial simulation side often suffer from significant limitations and cannot satisfy the needs of a sophisticated clientele. In fact, most financial software packages used by private bankers to generate asset allocation recommendations rely on single-period mean-variance asset portfolio optimisation, a tactic...
Following the 2008 financial crisis, private financial institutions such as hedge funds and private equity funds have been faced with multiple calls for their regulation, both for consumer protection and systemic reasons. Various proposals for a new regulation have been made and are currently under discussion. The hedge fund community is also open to reasonable regulations. In this paper, we discuss some of the key aspects of the SEC and the European Union proposals and argue that both of them suffer from severe shortcomings. A revisited version of this paper was published in the Journal of...
The existence of oil stabilization funds as the largest category of sovereign wealth funds relies on oil prices as a main source of macroeconomic risk for oil exporting countries. Given the often contingent spending policies of oil stabilization funds (accumulating wealth when oil prices are rising and spending wealth to support the local economy when GDP is shrinking) it is important to understand the magnitude and relative importance of oil price shocks relative to other sources of macroeconomic risk. A revisited version of this working paper was published in issue nº 109 (December 2010) of...
For more than seventeen years, Bernard Madoff operated what was viewed as one of the most successful investment strategies in the world. This strategy ultimately collapsed in December 2008 in what financial experts are calling one of the most detrimental Ponzi schemes in history. Many large and otherwise sophisticated bankers, hedge funds, and funds of funds have been hit by his alleged fraud. In this paper, we review some of the red flags that any operational due diligence and quantitative analysis should have identified as a concern before investing. We highlight some of the salient...
In September 2008, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) surprised the investment community by adopting an emergency order that temporarily banned most short sales in nearly 1,000 financial stocks. In this paper, we study changes in stock prices, the rate of short sales, the aggressiveness of short sellers, and various liquidity measures before, during, and after the shorting ban. We match banned stocks to a control group of non-banned stocks in order to identify these effects.
This paper solves for the equilibrium of a standard real business cycle model with money under model ambiguity. It first shows that monetary certainty is a sufficient condition for an interest rate smoothing rule to be optimal even under preferences for model robustness on the part of private agents. It then derives the necessary and sufficient condition for a stochastic (but stationary) monetary policy to reproduce the equilibrium of the real economy and compute the optimal (constant) level of the nominal interest rate. A revisited version of this paper was published in the December 2012...
In this paper we extend Hasanhodzic and Lo (2007) by assessing the out-of-sample performance of various non-linear and conditional hedge fund replication models. We find that going beyond the linear case does not necessarily enhance the replication power. On the other hand, we find that selecting factors on the basis of an economic analysis can lead to a substantial improvement in out-of-sample replication quality, whatever the underlying form of the factor model. A revisited version of this paper was published in the March 2010 issue of European Financial Management.
Since the turn of the millennium, a profound shift in the management of insurance companies has been underway. The main catalysts of this shift are the growing complexity of risks, the sophistication of the means of measuring them, and the demands made by investors for greater transparency and for higher-quality management. In this environment, prudential (Solvency II) and accounting (IFRS) requirements must also adapt to create new frameworks offering a better view of the risks borne by companies. All insurers, regardless of their characteristics (public companies, mutual insurers, provident...
This position paper looks at the changes that have been effected in the European capital markets more than one year after the implementation of MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive). These changes are hard to quantify, but initial fears of the rise of so-called dark pools of liquidity have proven well founded. In addition, the best execution obligation remains ambiguous. The paper examines other features of the post-MiFID trade execution landscape and recommends that post-trade reporting be standardised, that a single measure of execution quality be adopted, and that the debate...
This paper attempts to determine whether exchange-listed hedge funds experience longer lifetimes than non-listed funds, even after factors known to affect survival, such as size and performance, are considered. The Kaplan-Meier estimator is used to compare survival times of listed and non-listed funds. The Cox proportional hazards model is used to make the same comparison, but by controlling for additional factors. The accelerated failure time (AFT) regression model is used to estimate the median survival time of hedge funds, based on values of explanatory variables. A revisited version of...