This webinar provides a unique opportunity to engage with EDHEC-Risk's director on retirement investing, a subject which is topical in the investment management industry.
Lionel Martellini, Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School discusses "How Financial Engineering can Help Meet the Challenges Posed by the Pension Crisis" and examines the following issues:
The looming pension crisis
An overview of currently available retirement products
Flexicure retirement solutions
You can access EDHEC-Risk Institute research article "Flexicure" Retirement Solutions: A Part of the Answer to the Pensions Crisis?", also published in the July 2019 issue of the Journal of Portfolio Management. Individuals should not have to choose between security and flexibility when approaching retirement investment decisions. In this article, authors Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau and John Mulvey propose to apply the principle of goal-based investing to the design of a new generation of flexicure retirement investment strategies, which aim at offering the best of both worlds between insurance products and asset management products.
EDHEC -Risk released a new book "Advances in Retirement Investing", available on Cambridge University Press as part of Elements in Quantitative Finance. To supplement replacement income provided by Social Security and employersponsored pension plans, individuals need to rely on their own saving and investment choices during accumulation. Once retired, they must also decide at which rate to spend their savings, with the usual dilemma between present and future consumption in mind. This Element explains how financial engineering and risk management techniques can help them in these complex decisions.