Retirement Investing

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A major crisis is threatening the sustainability of pension systems across the globe and the investment industry is facing an ever-greater responsibility to provide suitable retirement solutions.

EDHEC-Risk Institute runs a strategic research programme on retirement solutions. The available investment products distributed by asset managers or insurance companies hardly provide a satisfying answer to the needs of investors and households in retirement, and academia can provide new insights into how best to design improved retirement solutions with a focus on retirement income.

In particular the principles of goal-based investing can be applied to the design of a new generation of goal-based decumulation strategies, defined as the combination of an investment strategy and an income withdrawal strategy, and which aim to strike an efficient balance between security and performance with respect to the objective of generating retirement income.

In Video : P&I Webinar Introducing the Retirement Bond: The New Risk-Free Asset in Decumulation Strategies


The Pensions Crisis & Flexicure Retirement solutions
Demographic Imbalances
The Landscape: retirement products
Insurance Products
Investment Products
The Solution: Flexicure retirement Sol:utions
Retirement bonds
Fixed income securities
deferred annuity
Replacement income
improve target date funds
retirement bond
Improved TDF
TDF 2.0


In Illustration (GIF) : The Pensions Crisis and Flexicure Investment Solutions





Main Publications 

Securing Replacement Income with Goal-Based Retirement Investing Strategies
“Flexicure” Retirement Solutions: A Part of the Answer to the Pension Crisis?

Advances in Retirement Investing
Goal-Based Investing: Theory and Practice

Securing Replacement Income with Goal-Based Retirement Investing Strategies


Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau, John Mulvey

Goal-based investing: Theory and practice


Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini Vincent Milhau

“Flexicure” Retirement Solutions: A Part of the Answer to the Pension Crisis?


Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau, John Mulvey

Advances in Retirement Investing



"Flexicure" Retirement Solutions: A Part of the Answer to the Pensions Crisis?"


Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau, John Mulvey

Assets’ Correlation Implications for Portfolio Insurance Strategies Performance


Daniel Mantilla-Garcia, Enrique ter Horst, German Molina, Emilien Audeguil

Introducing “Flexicure” Goal-Based Investing Retirement Solutions


Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau, John Mulvey

Applying Goal-Based Investing Principles to the Retirement Problem - Executive Summary


Kevin Giron , Lionel Martellini , Vincent Milhau , John Mulvey , Anil Suri

Applying Goal-Based Investing Principles to the Retirement Problem


Kevin Giron, Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau, John Mulvey, Anil Suri

Intensity-based framework for surrender modeling in life insurance


Vincenzo Russo, Rosella Giacometti, Frank J. Fabozzi

Introducing A Comprehensive Investment Framework For Goals-Based Wealth Management


Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau, Anil Suri, Hungjen Wang

Mass Customization in Life-Cycle Investing Strategies with Income Risk


Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau

A Three-Factor Model for Mortality Modeling


Vincenzo Russo, Rosella Giacometti, Svetlozar Rachev, Frank J. Fabozzi

Equity Portfolios with Improved Liability-Hedging Benefits


Guillaume Coqueret, Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau

LTGA Impact Assessment and Bond Management: Has Solvency II reached a Deadlock?


Liliana Arias, Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, Philippe Foulquier

Investment Solutions For East Asia's Pension Savings


Frédéric Blanc-Brude, François Cocquemas, Albena Georgieva

Hedging Versus Insurance: Long-Horizon Investing With Short-Term Constraints


Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini,Vincent Milhau

The Impact of Solvency II on Bond Management


Liliana Arias, Philippe Foulquier, Alexandre Le Maistre

Long-Term Investing Strategies In Private Wealth Management


Noël Amenc, Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau

What Asset-Liability Management Strategy For Sovereign Wealth Funds?


Frédéric Ducoulombier , Lixia Loh , Stoyan Stoyanov

A comparison of the Lee–Carter model and AR–ARCH model for forecasting mortality rates


Rosella Giacomettia, Marida Bertocchi, Svetlozar T. Rachev, Frank J. Fabozzi

Introducing the EDHEC-Risk Solvency Benchmarks - Maximising the Benefits of Equity Investments for Insurance Companies facing Solvency II Constraints


Noël Amenc, François Cocquemas, Romain Deguest, Philippe Foulquier, Lionel Martellini, Samuel Sender

Response to the European Commission White Paper "An Agenda for Adequate, Safe and Sustainable Pensions"


Noël Amenc, François Cocquemas, Lionel Martellini, Samuel Sender

Liability Index Fund: The Liability Beta Portfolio


Ronald J. Ryan, Frank J. Fabozzi

Life-Cycle Investing In Private Wealth Management


Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau

EDHEC-Risk European Private Wealth Management Survey


Noel Amenc, Sergio Focardi, Felix Goltz, David Schroder, Lin Tang

New Frontiers In Benchmarking And Liability-Driven Investing


Noel Amenc, Lionel Martellini, Felix Goltz, Vincent Milhau

Asset-Liability Management In Private Wealth Management


Noel Amenc, Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau, Volker Ziemann

The Impact of Regulations on the ALM of European Pension Funds


Noël Amenc, Lionel Martellini, Samuel Sender

Static Allocation Decisions in the Presence of Portfolio Insurance


Felix Goltz, Lionel Martellini, Koray D. Simsek

The Benefits of Hedge Funds In Asset Liability Management


Lionel Martellini, Véronique Le Sourd, Volker Ziemann

Optimal Investment Decisions When Time Horizon is Uncertain


Christophette Blanchet-Scalliet, Nicole El Karoui, Monique Jeanblanc, Lionel Martellini

Asset-Liability Management Decisions In Private Banking


Noel Amenc, Lionel Martellini, Volker Ziemann

The Impact Of IFRS And Solvency II On Asset-Liability Management And Asset Management In Insurance Companies


Noël Amenc, Lionel Martellini, Philippe Foulquier, Samuel Sender

Improving investment performance for pension plans


John M Mulvey, Koray D. Simsek, Zhuojuan Zhang

Modernizing the Defined-Benefit Pension System


John M. Mulvey, Frank J. Fabozzi, William R. Pauling, Koray D. Simsek, Zhuojuan Zhang

Rebalancing Strategies for Long-Term Investors


John M. Mulvey, Koray D. Simsek

Meaningful investment solutions should start with an understanding of clients’ goals. In retirement planning, the main challeng individuals face is to finance a sufficient and stable stream of replacement income in retirement. EDHEC-Risk Institute is grateful to Merrill Lynch for having supported a research project that has provided the conceptual foundations for the design of the EDHEC-Princeton Retirement Goal-Based Investing Index Series.

The Retirement Goal-Based Investing Indices, developed with the Operations Research and Financial Engineering Department at Princeton University as part of our joint research programme on Investment Solutions for Institutions and Individuals, are an example of these concepts being implemented. They represent asset allocation benchmarks for innovative mass-customised target date solutions for individuals preparing for retirement.



Exclusive interview with Anil Suri, Managing Director, Head of Portfolio Construction & Investment Analytics, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management


EDHEC-Princeton Goal Price Indices
Retirement Income
January 2022 Values
Zone, Retirement year
Not adjusted
US, 2023
US, 2028
US, 2033
US, 2038

EDHEC-Princeton Goal Price Indices
Retirement Wealth
January 2022 Values
Zone, Retirement year
Not adjusted
US, 2023
US, 2028
US, 2033
US, 2038

Construction Rules of Retirement Goal-Price Indices



EDHEC-Princeton Goal-Based Investing Indices
Retirement Income
December 2021 Returns (%)
Zone, Retirement year
Not adjusted
US, 2023
US, 2028
US, 2033
US, 2038

EDHEC-Princeton Goal-Based Investing Indices
Retirement Wealth
December 2021 Returns (%)
Zone, Retirement year
Not adjusted
US, 2023
US, 2028
US, 2033
US, 2038

Construction Rules of Retirement Goal-Based Investing Indices


 EDHEC-Princeton Goal-Based Investing Index Series' publication has been discontinued in February 2022. The last update took place on January 10th 2022.


The research conducted in this programme relates to the design of novel welfare-improving forms of investment solutions for institutions and individuals.

Swiss Life Asset ManagementEDHEC-Risk is collaborating with Swiss Life Asset Management to examine how dedicated forms of real estate investments can be used as part of goal hedging portfolios within improved retirement solutions, based on their ability to generate inflation-linked replacement income cash flows. This project also involves analysis of how insurance products can be integrated into real estate investments to provide a comprehensive solution for all stages of retirement.



FirstRandThis research programme currently benefits from the support of FirstRand for a research chair on the design and implementation of welfare-improving investment solutions for institutions and individuals. The aim of the chair is to expand the scientific literature on investor welfare-enhancing methodologies for portfolio construction in a goal-based investing framework.



Bank of America Merrill LynchOn the individual side, EDHEC-Risk has received renewed support from Bank of America Merrill Lynch to develop new research on goal-based investing for the construction of retirement investment solutions for individuals and develop a holistic goal-based investing framework to analyse optimal retirement investing decisions for individuals in the transition or de-accumulation phase of their investment lifecycle, by using a broad range of investment product categories including stocks and bonds as well as annuity-related products.

The research conducted at EDHEC-Risk Institute on goal-based investment solutions has also led to a consulting assignment with MLWM on the construction of dynamic retirement solutions, as well as the launch of the EDHEC-Princeton retirement goal-based indices, again with the support of MLWM. EDHEC-Risk Institute’s ambition is to develop strategic partnerships with investment managers worldwide for the launch and promotion of meaningful mass-customised investment solutions for individuals. It has also built upon previous work supported by ORTEC and Pictet on ALM for individuals, as well as a research chair supported by La Française AM on improved forms of target date funds.


On the institutional side, this research programme has benefited from the support of BNP Investment Partners for a research chair on dynamic liability-driven investment solutions. It has also benefited from the support of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan for a research chair on improved methods for inflation-linked liability hedging, and Deutsche Bank for a research chair on asset-liability management techniques for sovereign wealth fund management.

The research conducted at EDHEC-Risk Institute on liability-driven investment solutions has also led to a consulting assignment with CalPERS on the construction of a comprehensive factor-based asset-liability management framework conducted jointly with Professor John Mulvey from Princeton University’s ORFE department.